Our Modern Mechanized Timber Mill
With our modern manufacturing services, we can reduce your costs, speed your time-to-market, and help you gain a competitive advantage.
Home > Why Choose Gettinglong 
Gettinglong Supply Chain

We Are A Snowboard Core & Sporting Goods Supplier

Our business model is designed to make it easy for our customers to manufacture snowboards/sleds. We can design, manufacture, store, transport skis and more. We offer a range of pre-engineered products and services designed to design and manufacture supply chains and increase profits.

For any market or industry, one phone call can do it all! From R&D to complex custom packaging designs​, we are ready to help you pack more profitably.
No matter the size
Already Working With Companies of All Sizes 
We know that small entrepreneurs may need a little extra time and help to fully explore their options. Gettinglong's success with previous cases is really encouraging and shows what you can achieve for your product, brand and bottom line.